Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New law is headed in the right direction

House Bill No. 0029 titled "DUI-Elimination of right to refuse test" is going through the Wyoming legislature and it is high time, in my opinion.

Personally, I think that the only reason anyone would need to use the option to refuse testing for alcohol or a controlled substance concentration when pulled over is if they were clean. But if you're clean wouldn't you want to prove you were to the officer pulling you over? Of course, the testing takes time, but refusals usually look suspicious.

If you've ever watched any kind of police procedural show you'd know that.

So this new initiative to get rid of the right to refuse the test is a good move on the part of Wyoming lawmakers because as stated on Legislature Web, the result of giving more DUI tests in the state could potentinally lead to more revenue for Department of Health, which could (in extreme cases) also lead to slightly lowered taxes. Its a stretch, but in a good direction.

Also, if those (idiot) drivers operating vehicles while intoxicated or under the influence are pulled over and tested soon enough they could get hit with the penalties listed on Driving

Alcohol Alert lists the number of driving fatalities in WY and what percentage were linked to alcohol and while the numbers have gone down some in recent years the percentage is still quite near half.

Saving lives should always be a priority and this new law recoginzes that.